dimarts, 29 de juliol del 2008

Encriptar unitats USB amb Linux

Cal instal·lar el paquet cryptsetup.

Connectem la unitat USB, ja sigui un memory stick o un disc dur extern, i des de un terminal mirem el nom del dispositiu amb dmesg (per exemple, serà /dev/sdc).

Tot seguit particionem el dispositiu, si així ho volem.

Per encriptar una partició i donar-li format fat32 farem el següent: sudo luksformat /dev/sda1
Podem utilitzar la opció -t per donar format en un altre sistema de fitxers: sudo luksformat -t ntfs /dev/sda

El format LUKS ve de les sigles Linux Unified Key Support.

Es pot accedir des de Windows amb el software FreeOTFE.

Podem consultar el manual per a altres opcions.

Referències: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/01/24/use-an-encrypted-usb-drivepartition/
Avançat: HOWTO: Disk encryption with dm-crypt / LUKS and Debian

Connectar per USB un Nokia E51

Amb aquest article connectarem a internet des de Linux amb un NokiaE51 mitjançant cable USB.

Primer cal mirar el següent article, i seguir-lo al peu de la lletra:

Els fitxers que em funcionen be amb Vodafone son els següents:

Fitxer gprs
# $Id: gprs,v 1.4 2004/04/28 08:40:32 mcfrisk Exp $
# File:
# gprs
# Description:
# Serial cable, IrDA, Bluetooth and USB pppd options for GPRS phones.
# See 'man pppd' for detailed option descriptions.

# Most GPRS phones don't reply to LCP echo's
lcp-echo-failure 0
lcp-echo-interval 0

# Keep pppd attached to the terminal:
# Comment this to get daemon mode pppd

# Debug info from pppd:
# Comment this off, if you don't need more info

# Show password in debug messages

# Connect script:
# scripts to initialize the GPRS modem and start the connection,
# wvdial command is for Orange SPV while other phones should work with chat
connect /etc/ppp/peers/gprs-connect-chat
#connect "/usr/bin/wvdial --chat --config /etc/ppp/peers/gprs-wvdial.conf radiolinja_usb_orange_spv"

# Disconnect script:
# AT commands used to 'hangup' the GPRS connection.
disconnect /etc/ppp/peers/gprs-disconnect-chat

# Serial device to which the GPRS phone is connected:
# /dev/ttyS0 for serial port (COM1 in Windows),
# /dev/ircomm0 for IrDA,
# /dev/ttyUB0 for Bluetooth (Bluez with rfcomm running) and
# /dev/ttyUSB0 for USB
#/dev/ttyS0 # serial port one
#/dev/ttyS1 # serial port two
#/dev/ircomm0 # IrDA serial port one
#/dev/rfcomm0 # Bluetooth serial port one
#/dev/ttyUSB0 # USB serial device, for example Orange SPV

# Serial port line speed
115200 # fast enough
#57600 # perhaps usefull with IrDA as some phones don't like
# speeds higher than this

# Hardware flow control:
# Use hardware flow control with cable, Bluetooth and USB but not with IrDA.
crtscts # serial cable, Bluetooth and USB, on some occations with IrDA too
#nocrtscts # IrDA

# Ignore carrier detect signal from the modem:

# IP addresses:
# - accept peers idea of our local address and set address peer as
# (any address would do, since IPCP gives to it)
# - if you use the 10. network at home or something and pppd rejects it,
# change the address to something else

# pppd must not propose any IP address to the peer!

# Accept peers idea of our local address

# Add the ppp interface as default route to the IP routing table

# Newer pppd's also support replacing the default route, if one is
# already present, when the GPRS connetion should be set as the default route
# to the network

# DNS servers from the phone:
# some phones support this, some don't.

# ppp compression:
# ppp compression may be used between the phone and the pppd, but the
# serial connection is usually not the bottleneck in GPRS, so the
# compression is useless (and with some phones need to disabled before
# the LCP negotiations succeed).

# The phone is not required to authenticate:

# Username and password:
# If username and password are required by the APN, put here the username
# and put the username-password combination to the secrets file:
# /etc/ppp/pap-secrets for PAP and /etc/ppp/chap-secrets for CHAP
# authentication. See pppd man pages for details.
# Example, Radiolinja operator pap-secrets:
# "rlnet" * "internet" *
user ""

# The persist tries to reopen the connection if it is dropped. This
# is usefull for example with a Nokia 7650 which only manages to
# 'dial' with every second attempt or when the network likes to drop the
# connection every now and then. It's not fun when the over-night
# 'apt-get dist-upgrade -d -y' fails constantly...
#maxfail 99

# Asyncmap:
# some phones may require this option.
#asyncmap 0xa0000

# No magic:
# some phones may require this option.

# Require PAP authentication:
# some phones may require this option.

Fitxer gprs-connect-chat

# $Id: gprs-connect-chat,v 1.2 2004/02/02 23:19:28 mcfrisk Exp $
# File:
# gprs-connect-chat
# Description:
# chat script to open Radiolinjas GPRS service with GPRS phones. If ppp
# negotiation stalls, try restarting the phone. To try with other GPRS
# operator setting, change the PDP contex setting. The settings work with
# most Ericsson models, but Nokia 8310 and 30 do not support QoS parameters
# with AT commands, so just delete those lines and it'll work.
# Set PDP context CID=1, protocol=IP, APN=internet:
# AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet","",0,0
# Set CID=1 QoS requirements from the network, not supported by Nokia:
# AT+CGQREQ=1,0,0,0,0,0
# Set CID=1 minimum acceptable QoS parameters, not supported by Nokia:
# AT+CGQMIN=1,0,0,0,0,0
# 'Call' CID=1 (activate PDP context one, perform GPRS attach):
# ATD*99***1#
# Some phones like the Orange SPV (yes, the Microsoft Smartphone) use this
# dial string to start GPRS connection:
# ATD*99#
# The actual chat script:
exec chat \
ABORT '\nBUSY\r' \
'' \rAT \
SAY "Press CTRL-C to close the connection at any stage!" \
SAY "\ndefining PDP context...\n" \
OK 'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","airtelnet.es","",0,0' \
OK ATD*99# \
SAY "\nwaiting for connect...\n" \
SAY "\nConnected." \
SAY "\nIf the following ppp negotiations fail,\n" \
SAY "try restarting the phone.\n"

Fitxer gprs-disconnect-chat

# $Id: gprs-disconnect-chat,v 2006/02/14 20:20:17 mcfrisk Exp $
# File:
# gprs-disconnect-chat
# send break
exec /usr/sbin/chat -V -s -S \
SAY "\nSending break to the modem\n" \
"" "\K" \
"" "\K" \
"" "\K" \
"" "\d\d+++\d\dATH" \
SAY "\nPDP context detached\n"

dijous, 10 de juliol del 2008

Passar de avi a dvd

Instal·lar mencoder, dvdauthor i k3b
Amb ubuntu seria:
sudo apt-get install mencoder
sudo apt-get install dvdauthor
sudo apt-get install k3b
sudo apt-get install mkisofs

Recodificar el fitxer .avi a .mpg (per a DVD PAL)
mencoder -oac lavc -ovc lavc -of mpeg -mpegopts format=dvd:tsaf
-vf scale=720:576,harddup -srate 48000 -af lavcresample=48000
-lavcopts vcodec=mpeg2video:vrc_buf_size=1835:vrc_maxrate=9800:vbitrate=5000:
keyint=15:vstrict=0:acodec=ac3:abitrate=192:aspect=16/9 -ofps 25 -o movie.mpg movie.avi

Crear els fitxers per al DVD
dvdauthor -t -o directorideldvd/ movie.mpg

Afegir més películes
dvdauthor -t -o directorideldvd/ movie2.mpg
dvdauthor -t -o directorideldvd/ movie3.mpg

Crear el contingut per al DVD
dvdauthor -o directorideldvd -T

Gravar el DVD
Utilitzant K3B, afegirem el contingut del directorideldvd i ho gravarem. Amb el mateix K3B podem crear una imatge ISO per després gravar-la directament.

També podem crear la imatge ISO amb mkisofs
mkisofs -dvd-video -o dvd.iso directorideldvd

Gràcies a:

divendres, 4 de juliol del 2008

Convertir de .mov a .avi

Utilitzant el programa mencoder
Instal·lar a ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install mencoder

I des de la consola:
mencoder -oac mp3lame -srate 22050 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mjpeg -vf scale=585:389 archivo.mov -o video_nuevo.avi

Font: http://danilo04.accionasolutions.net/convertir-de-mov-a-avi-en-linux/38/

Veure i escoltar correctament fitxers .mov

Provat a Ubuntu 8.04
Instal·lant el programa gxine funciona correctament